Translated to Sound

Heaven is all around, translated to sound – Michael Hedges 1953-1997

Your driving, working, home taking care of the day to day or resting with the radio, YouTube, or other media on the in the background and suddenly “that song” or melody starts to play. It could be from a moment or situation long ago or fairly recent, but immediately time seems to stand still as you are there, seeing the images, hearing the sounds, feeling all the emotions, so real it’s as though it were happening all over again. A high school relationship or first broken heart, a ride or trip with close friends or family, a great movie, feelings of patriotism, being whipped into a frenzy at a sporting event, the beauty of dance, powerful worship or loss and sadness. Most I know have had this experience and they are very real for me.

Music and the ability to compose and perform, is truly a gift from God and he encourages us to participate, Colossians 3: 16, “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Music has always been a powerful medium for expression, communication, and bringing people together. Think for a moment, what would our lives be like without some type of music? It is really hard to imagine. Everything seems to be set to a melody.

As I considered the first music post for Living Stones Unearthed, I was drawn to the quote above that I wrote in permanent marker on the wood slats in my basement four years ago after seeing “The Nomad,” composed and performed by guitarist and vocalist Calum Graham, on YouTube as part of a series of related videos I had on in the background of my routine. The sweeping guitar delay at the beginning of the piece against the quotation immediately caught my attention. Powerful and dynamic, the rhythm is matched only by the performance which completes the experience.

I remember the moment.

I stopped what I was doing, listened, and watched.

I have come back to it many times over the years.

I am pleased to share this translation with you.

We would like to thank Calum Graham for allowing us to utilize his music for this weeks post. 

For information about Calum Graham, including tour dates, music and videos, visit

Timothy Murphy

I started Living Stones Unearthed with my son Kelly. As such, I am a translator and contributor. My wife Cindi and I have two other boys, Christian who currently is in Bournemouth, England and Wesley who along with his wife Shyan, have given us two grand children, DeClan and Avadell. Cindi and I currently serve in the worship and small group ministries at Compelled Church, Temperance, MI.

1 thought on “Translated to Sound”

  1. I cannot imagine my life without music! Music ministers to my Spirit and Soul. Especially when it is Christian music. I’d worship 24/7.. Can’t wait to worship when I’m with my Lord, around the throne with thousands of other believers. The Spirit of the Living God ministers through music. And… I would be lying if I said that’s all the music I listen to. I love “the oldies”… Music is a part of who I am!! But my very favorite is singing in the spirit!! There is nothing more satisfying than being one with the Spirit! It lifts me up, it completes me, it brings me into balance and ministers to me! I will forever be changed by it! Thank you Tim for these articles! I truly enjoy them! God has blessed you with the gift of words! Keep writing them down for all to see! ❤️

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