Living Stones for Days


To be a living stone?

Here are some highlights from our brothers and sisters:

God dwelling in me and working through me, a high priest with a mission and a purpose. Deep roots in the original Living Stone Jesus Christ, guiding people to the truth. Constantly being shaped by things around us, by the will of God and to lean into it to be a worked and prepared element.

Identifying and embracing the unique gifts and talents that the Holy Spirit has birthed within us and living fully in them while recognizing those gifts in others. To live faith in action that will build up our brothers and the church. To turn against the things of this world, desiring a relationship with Him.

To be humbled and exalted at the same time working interdependently for the Kingdom. Being part of something bigger, one of the many, doing whatever it is that God is calling me to do no matter how big or small. Steadfast faith in Christ, alive and moving by the Holy Spirit.

To offer spiritual sacrifices, loving, restoring and helping people even when it is not convenient. To lean on and trust in the Cornerstone, shows me how to live and engage others. To be firmly planted on the foundation of Jesus, empowered to live out and walk out all that God has created me to do.

It has been an amazing few “Days of Living Stones,” and we are grateful for all those that offered perspective and insight into what it means to be a Living Stone.

But we are not done celebrating just yet!

We are pleased to post Day 14 with Greg Moore creator and host of the Dead Men Walking Podcast.

Check out all our “Days of Living Stones” shorts and videos here on our YouTube channel.

It will never end!


Timothy Murphy

I started Living Stones Unearthed with my son Kelly. As such, I am a translator and contributor. My wife Cindi and I have two other boys, Christian who currently is in Bournemouth, England and Wesley who along with his wife Shyan, have given us three grand children: DeClan, Avadell, and RJ. Cindi and I currently serve in the worship and small group ministries at Compelled Church, Temperance, MI.

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