Worship – how to love God in both song and action – is my passion. God has called me to a life spent in pursuit of the depths of worship. Despite this, I don’t do it perfectly. I’m still being shaped because God is so good and gracious! One of my favorite verses in scripture regarding worship is 1 Peter 2:9:
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.”
I am, you are, everyone is God’s special possession. I am, you are, everyone is set apart to declare praise to a God who is and to what He’s done! Where does your praise come from? In multiple Psalms, King David wrote a phrase.
“Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully and shout for joy!” – Psalm 33
“Sing to the Lord a new song and declare His glory…” – Psalm 96
“Sing to the Lord a new song and declare His victory…” – Psalm 98
Sing a new song.
The word “sing” in Hebrew is “cherar” which means to “stroll around like a minstrel.” In David’s day, there were no sound systems in the tabernacle. The sound wasn’t automatically projected beyond your personal space. It was up to each person to carry the sound of worship to where it needed to be. This is one of the reasons David said: “Praise the Lord among the heathen (2 Samuel 22:50).” David understood that our sacrifice of praise is something to be carried wherever we go, on display for both believers and unbelievers. His heart, voice, hands, and his relationship with the Good Shepherd. These were David’s tools for worship.
David said to sing a new song, which means there has to be a new song to be sung in the first place. What is a “New Song?” We get an answer to that question from one of the most incredible worship scenes in all of Scripture: Revelation 4-5.
John, while exiled in Patmos, sees the throne room of God. God’s throne is unlike anything he has ever seen! Imagine the wonder and awe. Imagine the sounds, the lights, the colors. Imagine the 24 elders, the 4 living creatures – a representation of all mankind and creation bowing down giving adoration to the King of kings. In this scene, Jesus is doing something new. Something that not even heaven has seen Him do. Jesus at that moment opens the scroll that reveals the events that will lead to the restoration of heaven, earth, and God’s people.
The reaction from all is fitting and immediate. Those present do the only thing they can. They fall to their knees in worship.
“And they sang a NEW SONG, saying, ‘Worthy are You to take the scroll and to open its seals, for You were slain, and by Your blood You ransomed people for God…and You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.” – Revelation 5:9
This new song was birthed by being in the presence of our God and is exactly what we require as the foundation of our worship and lifestyle to create an intimate, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.
What I personally know about God is what I have to give back to Him. I cannot give to Him what I haven’t received or experienced. In Romans 12:1 we are told to be a living sacrifice. This isn’t something that someone else could do for me. It has to be my praise, my worship that is brought before Him. Not a copycat! I have a love to offer on earth and in heaven that is unique to my personal relationship with Jesus and so do you!
“They (followers of Jesus) have conquered him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” – Revelation 12:11
Our testimony is our experience with God. This is what we have to give. Irrefutable proof of our relationship with Him. Our testimony is praise expressed that draws others to want to know Jesus and praise Him, too! There is power in our worship that comes from personal experience with God, power that destroys the work of the enemy around us.
Take a moment and choose one thing or event that God has done in your life. Write it down. Look at it. What characteristics or attributes of God does it reveal to you? What does it reveal to you about how much God loves you and sees you?
Now take that event and those God revelations and turn them back into praise and worship! Sing them, shout them, write them, rap them, interpretive dance them! No rules! Praise Him, thank Him and yield to Him based on what you know. Tell someone else about it. Give back to Him what He’s given to you.
YOU are the next great praise expression!
YOU are the “strolling minstrel” meant to bring God glory in your home, at work, at school or wherever He leads!
YOU are the current revival in motion.
YOU are a living worship.
YOU are a new song waiting to be sung.
good word!
Marvelous encouragement! Thank you!