A Silent Conversation

I love to walk with God and listen for His voice. As I’ve grown older and life has slowed down, I’ve come to stop and appreciate seeing Him through His creation. As I walk along a farmer’s field, I’m reminded of His provision in the golden wheat that I see, it waves to me in the wind as if the Lord is saying, “Here I am.” I pause and take a moment and thank Him.

When I sit near the beach looking at and listening to the rhythm of the gentle waves, I think of the Lord’s consistency. He is there with me, through the ebb and flow of life. His love is steadfast and never ending. He tells me that He is with me, even to the ends of the earth. I am forever grateful.

Many days I sit at the back of our property and gaze upon a magnificent sunset. What a sight…an Artist stroking his paintbrush across the heavens, using a palette of many colors. His faithfulness stretches to the sky! Oh, how He has been faithful to me, even when I am not faithful to Him. I pray that I can have unconditional love like that.

An eagle flies over, using his keen eyesight to search for his prey. I watch the eagle, circling and searching. God searches the earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. I bow my head and say a prayer, “Lord, help me to have a loyal heart toward You.”

I ponder on the way my Maker has designed the eagle’s precise vision and I am amazed. Every creature that He has designed is exact in its own way. The Word tells me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, in God’s image. I have a purpose, and that is to glorify Him. I turn my heart to worship Him.

He is worthy.

Mary Smith

I am a Follower of Jesus, wife, mother and grandmother. Besides being outside, spending time with the Lord, I enjoy church, Bible study class, and spending time with family or dear friends. I am a retired preschool teacher and still enjoy the company of children very much. I like to read, listen to music, and simply being with my husband and dog and living life to the fullest in Jesus.

4 thoughts on “A Silent Conversation”

  1. What a beautiful testimony of a life filled with Jesus! He is so faithful! He shows Himself in many mighty ways and reveals Himself to us daily if we only take the time to seek Him. I love all your posts on Facebook! Thank you for sharing Mary! When we surrender to Him, He writes a beautiful story!❤️

  2. Mary,
    Your devotion is beautifully expressed with intricate examples of our wonderous surroundings that many people tend to overlook. They are nature’s reminders that we are part of something unique in the vast emptiness of space of which no human can hope to create. Thank you for the excellent essay.

  3. Your words touch my heart reminding me to stop be still and know He is God. They reflect your life and love of Him. Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing your heart ❤️

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